The Old Steamboat jazz band, the group of men who are fallen in love with jazz, was founded in autumn 1987. From the first concert, dated at 29th april 1988, the band still hasn't stopped playing.
The biggest achievements counts representation of the Czech Republic at exposition EXPO 2000 in Hannover, invitation to Czech ambassy in London and establishing the tradition of traditional ball named Charleston. Charleston was founded in parent town of the band - beautiful and classical Jindřichův Hradec (on the south of Bohemia).
Usage of the band is various, including concerts, parties, vernissages, soirees and many others.
name | musical instrument |
Václav Novák | trumpet, trombone, vocal |
David Štrobl | klarinet, sax, vocal |
Jindřich Melichar | trombone, vocal |
Petr Pospíchal | tuba, bass guitar |
Václav Švec | drums, vocal |
Radim Sládek | piano |
name | musical instrument |
Vítězslav Marek | guitar |
Martin Tříska | clarinet, sax |
Jiří Janouch | piano |
Václav Švec jr. | drums |
Stage plan for download in format PDF